Support for Citizen Vigil at Contrecœur port / Montérégie
MARE is proud to announce its support for the citizen movementSupport for Citizen Watch
port of Contrecoeur / Montérégie and share this invitation :
We have worked in recent months to relaunch the citizen group concerned about the expansion of the Port of Montreal in Contrecœur. Our first action was to create a site Web in order to disseminate another point of view on this project and its impacts on the Contrecœur sector, but also from Montérégie. This is why we want to create links with organizations and people interested in our mission..
We also wish to disseminate information on activities aimed at protection of the environment. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and communicate your activities to us using the form in the “Contact Us” section on the web page or directly by email. :
Looking forward to hearing from you !