Conservation of Sentier des Bois de Laval park

The Sentiers des Bois park in Laval is a citizens' initiative launched in 2020 by area residents. The park has been frequented by many walkers and joggers for many years, but it is in 2020, following the destruction of part of the park for road works that residents have decided to get involved to protect and enhance the park.

This natural linear park of 2,7 km long has mature trees and its wetlands are a natural escape for visitors and a refuge used by many species of birds. In November 2020, Those are 117 different species of birds that have been recorded in this area.

This citizen group submitted to the city of Laval, in February 2021, a brief for the protection of wetlands of interest in Sentier des Bois park that the MARE supported.

Natural environments provide essential services both in terms of control and adaptation
to climate change : capture of CO2 / oxygen production and fight against heat islands.
There are many impacts associated with projects that attack natural environments, cumulative and
exponential; they simultaneously affect biodiversity, underground waters, air quality and health
public. Their evaluation therefore requires a real overview that also takes into account
consideration the essential role played by our regions in terms of the connectivity of ecosystems and
the risks associated with the fragmentation of natural environments.

The protection of these natural spaces represents an immediate and concrete action, directly involving all levels of our society and clearly indicating one of the essential solutions to tackle the climate and ecological crisis.

This is why the MARE is proud to have been one of the first groups to support the group for the protection of the Parc Sentier des Bois de Laval for the conservation of its woodland and its wetlands..