MARE climate guide for municipalities

The climate crisis has now begun. Its significant impacts are visible everywhere : extreme climate variations, drought, hurricanes, lack of drinking water, fires, landslides, loss of biodiversity, etc. And this crisis is hitting the most disadvantaged strata of our societies the hardest..
The situation is urgent. Human-induced global warming threatens to reach catastrophic levels by 20 years. To avoid the collapse of human civilization and life
on earth, we must act today. To do this, local governments already play an essential role and their involvement will have to be even greater in the coming years. Municipalities have, indeed, many means to fight against global warming and to make our societies more resilient and more egalitarian.
Many ideas have already been presented by municipalities or various organizations to limit global warming and increase the resilience of territories., but these ideas are scattered in a large amount of documents.
The objective of this Climate guide for municipalities is not to reinvent the wheel, but to bring together a large number of concrete ways of acting so that municipalities can more easily develop a climate plan adapted to their reality.
We invite you to use and share it with all the people and organizations who want to see their city become more actively involved in the face of the climate emergency.