Protection of a forest with high ecological value in Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac

The urgency of the challenges we face today requires an immediate transformation of our vision of what is economically justifiable; a status quo would necessarily imply much higher future costs than those linked to the conservation of natural areas.

This is why the MARE supports the citizens' committee of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac mobilizing to save a forest with high ecological value.

Here is the message that this committee wishes to share :

The citizens of the small municipality of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac (VSLL) have been mobilized since early May to save the woodland adjacent to Lac de la Carrière (Darling lake) from Vaudreuil-Dorion. This wooded, located in a humid environment, is one of the last green spaces in this sector that has grown very rapidly in recent years.

The municipality, well aware of this project which would decrease the quality of life of its citizens, commissioned environmental studies in 2016 and 2018. These have demonstrated the great ecological value of wildlife (121 special status occurrences, 140 bird species including some protected species, especially the eastern one), that of flora and two recognized wetlands.

Despite this high ecological value, the interim regulation then adopted by VSLL can still be overturned and this precious forest irretrievably lost. A citizens' group was formed to alert the population to the threat of losing the woods. They answered the call in large numbers. The group also ensures follow-up with local elected officials so that concrete actions can be taken, because it is imperative
to act without delay.

Protecting wetlands and our last forest islands, slowing urban sprawl should be everyone's priority. This file involves multiple stakeholders and as long as the resolutions are not voted, the situation remains to be watched closely.”

10 July 2020 : good news !!!

TheMunicipality of Vaudreuil sur le Lac has just appointed a committee to protect the woodland of the RA-10 zone, recognizing its high ecological value!

MARE is proud to support theConsolidation In Favor Of The Protection Of Boisé De Vaudreuil-sur-le-lac in its struggle and we congratulate them on their great mobilization which is now bearing fruit!

Now you have to make sure that this woodland gets the conservation status it deserves, but it’s a concrete gesture that the municipality has just made to safeguard biodiversity and the well-being of its population

Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac on CBC

The CBC network made, this week, a report about the struggle ofcitizens of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac to protect a forest of high ecological value from destruction.

To read a written version of this report, click here.

For more information, see our website.

Congratulations to the citizens' committee of Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac for all the work accomplished and hope that this woodland obtains the protection status it deserves !

VICTOIRE !!!!!!!!! (Octobre 2024)

Nos ami.e.s duGroup in favor of the protection of the wooded area of ​​Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac, un groupe citoyen membre du Réseau de protection des milieux naturels du MARE, ont reçu une fantastique nouvelle cette semaine.

Indeed, aucun citoyen n’a signé le registre contre le projet de conservation du boisé. Cela signifie pour cette petite communauté que le projet de règlement d’emprunt va de l’avant pour l’acquisition du boisé afin d’en assurer sa conservation intégrale !!!

Ce projet n’aurait pas été possible sans le soutien financier de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal et son fonds Trame verte et bleue et grâce à Conservation de la Nature Canada. Le MARE a supporté depuis sa création le Regroupement dans ses démarches et est très fier de cette annonce.

L’acquisition d’une partie du boisé de 11,3 hectares (sur une superficie totale de 20,42 hectares) à Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac à des fins de conservation est une opportunité incroyable. Le projet d’entente avec le propriétaire est le résultat des administrations passées et présente, ainsi que des citoyens qui se sont mobilisés. Le secteur à l’étude constitue le dernier îlot boisé mature dans le territoire environnant avec une vingtaine d’espèces en situation précaire confirmées dans le secteur, dont 5 espèces fauniques à statut précaire.

Le MARE tient à féliciter le Regroupement pour sa créativité, son énergie toujours tellement positive et sa résilience. Cette lutte de 4 ans et 1/2 est maintenant couronnée de succès. C’est un autre bel exemple de ce que la mobilisation citoyenne peut faire.