Save Sandy Beach

Many residents of Vaudreuil-Soulanges and elsewhere enjoy frequenting the beach and the wooded trails of Sandy Beach in Hudson. Considering the increase in temperatures and episodes of heat waves caused by global warming, the MARE is convinced that this place is a major asset that the city of Hudson must preserve in its entirety, in order to ensure a quality living environment for citizens.

The areas of the wooded area and the beach are already modest, the reduction of these by real estate development is illogical in a city of the CMM which intends to increase its population. The wooded area with its few trails also allows citizens to escape and reconnect with nature.

Many wetlands of great diversity are found here, they act as a buffer zone between the river and the city's infrastructure. The diversity and proximity to downtown of this wooded area are characteristics that very few CMM parks have.. Citizens have direct access to it on foot or by bicycle, Sandy Beach is an exceptional place in the heart of Hudson.

This is why the MARE contributed to the creation of the citizens' group Save Sandy Beach and is actively involved, in collaboration with Nature Hudson, to protect Sandy Beach in its entirety. We also recognize that this place is a wealth at the regional level.

Sandy Beach : Good news !!!

In June, we gave you bad news for the protection of Sandy Beach woodlands and wetlands, in Hudson. Let us recall that in 2021, a rigorous characterization study was carried out by Terra Humana Solutions which identified 343 species on the site including 29 in danger. Also we found artifacts testifying to the presence of the First Nations in this place..

Indeed, in 2021, the Ministry of the Environment, of the fight against climate change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP) had revoked a certificate of authorization (CA) issued in 2014. This case was on appeal and the promoter Nicanco Holdings Inc. won his case in June.

However, we also told you that we would not give up.Save Sandy Beach, with the help ofNature Hudson, ofQuebec Center for Environmental Law, ofEnvironmental Legacy Fund and MARE put pressure on Minister Benoît Charette so that he uses the powers conferred on him by article 38 (par. 18) of the Act respecting certain measures allowing the application of environmental and dam safety laws and that it cancels the CA for the development of this site.

The MARE had also met the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) on this subject (more details HERE).

The 4 October 2023, the MELCCFP officially revoked the certificate of authorization !!!

Perhaps everything is not won yet. Indeed, the revocation of an authorization may be contested before the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec within the 30 days following the date of notification of this revocation. Furthermore, a request for another real estate project, of lesser magnitude, is always possible.

However, the MELCCFP decision can already be considered a huge victory! This shows, once again, the importance of citizen mobilization and the impact we can have when we join forces !

Good news from Sandy Beach

In our newsletter of 17 June 2023, we informed you of the decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal ruling in favor of Nicanco Holdings Inc.. against the Ministry of the Environment (MELCCFP) and we promised you, Nevertheless, not to give up in this fight for the protection of Sandy Beach, in Hudson, an exceptionally rich ecosystem. Indeed, Terra Humana and identified 343 species including 29 in danger.

So, with the valuable collaboration ofQuebec Center for Environmental Law (CQDE)Nature Hudson, theGroup for the protection of Sandy Beach and the MARE sent a letter to Mr. Benoit Charette, Minister of MELCCFP, asking him to use the item 36 of the Act respecting certain measures to enforce environmental and dam safety laws in order to once again revoke the authorization issued to the developer to fill in the wetlands of Sandy Beach. To read this letter, click here.

Good news : in a letter received by Nature Hudson, the ministry tells us that it actually sent the promoter, the 27 last June, notice of revocation of this authorization by using the article 36 !!!

For more information, seethe La Presse article on this subject.

The full protection of the woodlands and wetlands of Sandy Beach is still not official, but it is a very important step in the right direction !

Sandy Beach : the court's decision is made, but we don't give up !

Here are excerpts from a letter that was read by a member of MARE in support ofSave Sandy Beach, in Hudson, during the meeting of the council of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) the 15 June 2023.

” In 2021, the MELCCFP revoked a CA issued in 2014. This case was on appeal, but we have just learned that Nicanco Holdings Inc. finally prevailed. Huge disappointment for us. It is necessary at all costs that this wetland is preserved definitively and completely. It's a matter of time before trees start falling for this insane project in this little paradise of nature. Hurry up !

In 2021, a rigorous characterization study was carried out by Terra Humana Solutions and identified 343 species on the site including 29 in danger. Also we found artifacts testifying to the presence of the First Nations in this place..

As you prepare to define what the contours of the next PMAD will be and the percentage of canopy to keep, the time is right to include this site among the natural sites to be protected.

Can you assure us to ensure that this site is taken into consideration in this PMAD? And can you also intervene with the MELCCFP by insisting that the minister exercise the powers conferred on him by article 36 (par. 18) and that it cancels the CA for the development on this site? “

To read the full letter, click here.

As you can see, the latest news is bad, but no question of giving up. MARE will continue to actively support Save Sandy Beach until this natural treasure is fully protected..

Save Sandy Beach Demands Minister's Intervention

Read in La Presse : the citizen groupSave Sandy Beach (thanthe MARE actively supports since the birth of this group) with the help ofCQDE and youEnvironmental Legacy Fundasks the Minister of the Environment, of the fight against climate change, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec to intervene for the protection of Sandy Beach.

At the heart of the debate : the firm hired by the real estate developer affirms that no flora or fauna species designated as threatened or vulnerable has been listed on the project site, while the firm Terra Humana has listed 29 species at risk !

let's remember that, according to the report filed by Terra Humana, Sandy Beach could qualify as an exceptional forest ecosystem !

To read the article, click here.

Marche “Discovery of the biodiversity of Sandy Beach” (July 2022)

The MARE would like to share with yousuccess of the daybiodiversity discovery event held at Sandy Beach, moderated by biologist Marian MacNair and organized by the groupSave Sandy Beach. The thirty participants present were delighted to learn more about the richness of this environment.

Ms. MacNair played an important role in characterizing the environment, done by human land, in order to demonstrate its ecological value to the municipality and thus save it from engulfment under a layer of asphalt.

Very good news : 2 RCI to protect Sandy Beach !!! (2021 and 2022)

The draft regulation 525.3 — subject to referendum approval — of the Municipality of Hudson proposes to amend the Hudson Urban Planning and Land Use By-law by incorporating conservation data from three studies dating back to 2008. Teknika reports (2008) and CIMA+ (2017) together recommended that the city prioritize the protection of the main wetlands and forests of interest, while Eco2Urb (2020) proposed a conservation plan based on a “network of connected protected areas” of fields, of forests and wetlands with the ability to withstand extreme weather conditions and emerging pests and diseases.

The board also passed an interim control resolution (RCI) imposing a freeze of 90 days on the construction or subdivision of any lot forming part of the wetlands or woodlands characterized in the Eco2Urb conservation plan. The frost prevents the issuance of permits for subdivision or construction of main buildings on all these lots as well as the felling of trees.

Finally, the RCI adopted by the Montreal Urban Community (subject to approval by the federal government) in order to protect the natural environments of interest in the region, including the woods and wetlands surrounding Sandy Beach.

Biodiversity characterization study (December 2021)

Here is an excerpt from the press release of Nature Hudson which is part of the MARE Natural Miluex Protection Network, just like Save Sandy Beach :

“In spring 2021, Nature Hudson and theEnvironmental Legacy Fund, supported by a grant fromQuebec Bird Protection, commissioned the firmTerraHumana Solutions to carry out an ecological assessment of the area of ​​Sandy Beach which was targeted for housing development.The full report, including the methodology used and complete lists of species observed and identified, is now available.

The scientific experts of TerraHumana Solutions have undertaken 26 field inventories between the 4 April and the 22 July 2021 to assess plants, the insects, amphibians, birds and bats. They observed and identified 354 flora and fauna species, including 29 species currently classified as at risk.

A report produced for the Town of Hudson by Eco2Urb in 2020 presents six possible development-related scenarios that are based on the strategy the city will want to adopt. Regardless of the scenario, the report consistently identifies the Sandy Beach area as a level conservation area 1, i.e. the highest level of priority in terms of conservation.”

To read the full press release, click here.

All of this information confirms that full protection of this rich and unique ecosystem surrounding Sandy Beach is a necessity and MARE will stand by Save Sandy Beach and Nature Hudson until this protection becomes a reality..

Study of the financial impact of the Sandy Beach real estate development (July 2021)

Hudson City Council did not consider it necessary to do a financial analysis of the real estate project in Sandy Beach. Fortunately, Save Sandy Beach made one, thinking that any project of this size must be well understood. The results are not positive !!!

The approach to this analysis you will find (summary of the report / full report) is conservative and the people who conducted it are exactly the kind of professionals you would want for such a study. It is assessed that, not only will the project not bring money into the coffers of the municipality, but that it would be in deficit by more than 269 000 $ per year !!!

manifestation of 11 avril 2021

The 11 avril 2021, these are more than 250 people who responded to the invitation Group for the protection of Sandy Beach and the MARE in order to request full protection of the Sandy Beach woodland, a site of high historical and ecological value threatened by the development of 214 residential units !

Communique to the Municipality of Hudson (December 2020)

We also recognize that this place is a wealth at the regional level. Besides, we are not the only ones to recognize it. Many groups have also decided to support, at the request of MARE, the citizens of Hudson for the conservation of Sandy Beach.

It is:

Considering its regional importance, we filed with Hudson City Council, the 7 December 2020, a statement (click here) so that it also recognizes its importance in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region.

Bioblitz (August 2020)

At the end of August 2020, some citizens, who are not biologists, have managed to identify 120 cash only 2 hours on the territory of Sandy Beach during a bioblitz at the invitation of the MARE. It's impressive!

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The fight intensifies with the closure of trails to the public (avril 2024)

For several years now, MARE is actively involved in supporting the citizen groupSave Sandy Beach and in collaboration withNature Hudson to request full protection of the forest and wetlands surrounding Sandy Beach in Hudson.

The fight has just intensified with the closure, by the owner, trails that lead to the public beach.

Here are translated extracts from an article published in the1019 Report, reproduced with permission of the editor-in-chief, Brenda O’Farrell.

The owners of the Sandy Beach land in Hudson seem to have wanted to clarify a
thing at the beginning of the month : The land located at the water’s edge is a “private property. Do not enter.” They posted this very short and very direct message on signs and installed concrete blocks at the entrance to the walking paths on their land..

The message was received by everyone who likes to walk along the beach or
walking their dog in the surrounding woods.

For residents who took to social media to lament the
barriers, assuming that the landowners had been provoked by a
one way or another, M. Horwood (de Nature Hudson) said : “We provoked the bear when we prepared the report”, referring to the biological evaluation which dates from 2021. “We believe that this report is very important to enable us to achieve the revocation.

Last week, the city received a letter from Nicanco's lawyers informing it of the installation of the barriers. Hudson is still awaiting the decision of the Administrative Court to find out if the revocation of Nicanco's permit to backfill the site will be maintained.
This decision should be made in the spring.

To read the full article 1019 Report (in English), Click here.

MARE will continue to support Save Sandy Beach and Nature Hudson until this extremely rich ecosystem is fully protected..