Horizon 2030 : A dream, an exit project from…
Horizon 2030: A dream, a project to end the crisis for Châteauguay, the region, … And the planet
If we want a better world, you have to start by imagining it and, ensuite, establish an action plan that will allow us to realize our dream, provided we really want it. As a citizen, this is the idea that I thought of submitting for my city and even beyond, on the occasion of the distant and united break that we are currently experiencing. You may be wondering who I think I am; I will simply answer you for a citizen of Châteauguay and an inhabitant of the planet who aspires to a better world. You would be surprised to know my source of inspiration. If you are interested, I could let you know later.
The greatest challenge facing humanity today, it is to eradicate poverty in all its forms and in all its dimensions. Chateauguay is no exception. In this project, if we adopt it, no one should be left behind. The eradication of poverty is an essential condition for sustainable development in its three dimensions: economic, social and environmental.
Once the crisis is over, with a view to an economic recovery that meets our real needs, individual and collective, here are the priority orientations that we should give ourselves for the next ten years on the territory of the city of Châteauguay and everywhere on our spaceship:
- Eradicate poverty and hunger, in all their shapes and sizes. To ensure that all human beings inhabiting the territory can achieve their potential in a healthy environment, offering dignified and equitable living conditions.
- Fight against environmental degradation, using sustainable consumption and production patterns. Ensuring the sustainable management of our natural resources.
- Take urgent action to limit our contribution to climate change, so that the planet, our common home, be able to meet the needs of current and future generations.
- To ensure that all human beings in our territory enjoy a prosperous and fulfilling life; that economic progress, social and technological is done in harmony with nature.
- Promoting the development of a just and inclusive society, free from fear of others and violence.
This project, which would lead us first and foremost to take care of the most vulnerable, will appeal to our spirit of solidarity like never before; it will require the participation of all stakeholders. Its achievement will only be possible if the sustainable development objectives that we set ourselves are closely linked and that their implementation is done in an integrated manner.. If we collectively realize this project, each, everyone will be able to live better in a better world offering us the possibility of all being happier together. This is what I wish for us at the start of this decade which will be decisive for "Our common future"..
For a way out of crises in solidarity!
In my text published in the pages of the weekly “Le Soleil de Châteauguay” the 2 last april, under the title “Imagine a better world”, I wrote “You would be surprised to know my source of inspiration. If you are interested, I could let you know later. »
It is my pleasure today to reveal this source of inspiration to you., because it matters, especially in this time of interconnected crises that we live. My role, in writing this article was to attempt to make accessible, bring down to the territory level a major decision that was taken at a global level, i.e. worldwide in this case.
It's about adopting, the 25 September 2015, by the United Nations General Assembly, of the Agenda for Sustainable Development on the horizon 2030, baptized “TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD”. In force since January 1 2016, it is part of the extension of the Millennium Goals.
It is a program that would benefit from a wider distribution to be better known.. In the preamble, it is said to be “an action plan for humanity, the planet and prosperity” and that “the elimination of poverty in all its forms and in all its dimensions, including extreme poverty, constitutes the greatest challenge facing humanity and that it is an indispensable condition for sustainable development. »
It is an action plan that includes “17 goals to save the world”, Sustainable Development Goals that “give us the roadmap to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They respond to the global challenges we face, especially those related to poverty, to inequalities, to the climate, environmental degradation, to prosperity, to peace and justice. The goals are interconnected and, to leave no one behind, it is important to reach each one of them, and each of their targets, by 2030.”
“All countries and all stakeholders will act together to implement this action plan. We are resolved to free humanity from the tyranny of poverty and want, to take care of the planet and preserve it. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps that are urgently needed to put the world on a sustainable path., marked by resilience. And we pledge to leave no one behind in this collective quest.
" The 17 sustainable development goals and 169 The targets we are announcing today testify to the scope of this new universal Agenda and show how ambitious it is. »
A call to action to change the world
« 50. Today we too are taking a decision of historic significance.. We resolve to build a better future for all, and especially for the millions of men and women who have not had the opportunity to lead a decent life, dignified and rewarding and realize their full potential. We can be the first generation to end poverty, just as we may be the last generation to still have a chance to save the planet. The world will be better 2030 if we achieve our goals.
« 51. What we are announcing today – a global action plan for 15 next few years – it is a charter for humanity and for the planet in the 21st century…
« 52. …Millions of people are already participating in and taking ownership of this Program. It's a People's Program, by the people and for the people – and this is, do we believe, the best guarantee of success.
« 53. The future of humanity and the planet is in our hands.... We have paved the way for sustainable development ; it is now up to all of us to ensure that this quest succeeds and that its achievements are irreversible. »
This is the colossal challenge that stands before us at the start of the 21st century.. To meet such a challenge, we need a powerful engine; I only see two quite powerful : Love or Money. The latter led us to the disaster we are currently experiencing.. There is only one left in these conditions : love, The one who can move mountains. It is together that we can get out of this, not otherwise.
Claude Boileau
The 22 avril 2020