A long-awaited world
On the occasion of Earth Day 2022, Michael Souligny, an active member of MARE for several years, wrote this poem and read it to us during the rally for social justice and climate justice that the MARE organized in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.
In these crazy times
Don't despair too much
no more panic
This is what would make us capsize
To perpetuate this senseless chaos
Wanting more power in the name of desperation
No longer see the essential which is a real gift from heaven
To like, that's all we should aspire to
love the earth, without wanting to own it
Loving our brothers and sisters without barriers or rancor
Love the carefree life, live fully but healthily
Live in harmony and not at the expense of others
Create a world we won't be ashamed to pass on
Create a world from which we will not want to escape
But to create this world that we have so longed for